Scientific Commission

Founded in 1946 and composed of six members, the Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases (Scientific Commission) assists in identifying the most appropriate strategies and measures for disease prevention and control. It is also responsible for examining voluntary requests from WOAH Members regarding their disease-specific animal health status.

Founded in 1946 and composed of six members, the Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases (Scientific Commission) assists in identifying the most appropriate strategies and measures for disease prevention and control. It is also responsible for examining voluntary requests from WOAH Members regarding their disease-specific animal health status, if a Member wishes to be included in the WOAH official list of Members with a recognised diseases status for certain diseases (see WOAH ‘Disease-free’ status and ‘Disease-free’ recognition procedures). The Commission is elected by the World Assembly of Delegates for a three-year term.

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Terms of reference

Taking into account the periodic Strategic Plans adopted by the Assembly, pertinent Resolutions of the Assembly and the annual work plans approved by the Assembly, the terms of reference of the WOAH Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases shall be:

1. To maintain and exchange information on all aspects of terrestrial animal diseases, and to assess recent developments in the practical problems of control and eradication of infectious diseases and the impact of these developments.

2. To provide scientific guidance to the WOAH on the development of policies relating to the assessment and control of diseases, notably those with the potential to affect trade in terrestrial animals and their products or affect human health.

3. To assist the Director General in improving the collection, use and interpretation of statistical information on terrestrial animal diseases, including emerging diseases, for the benefit of WOAH Member Countries.

4. To provide up-to-date scientific information to the Director General and the other WOAH Specialist Commissions, gathered through its own resources or in consultation with scientists, experts and Ad hoc Groups.

5. To advise and assist the Director General on problems relating to such diseases, including problems of disease control at the regional and global level.

6. To propose procedures for formally recognising the animal health status of WOAH Member Countries.

7. To undertake, on behalf of the Assembly, an assessment of applications by WOAH Member Countries on the status of compliance with WOAH standards for animal health status.

8. To identify issues that require in-depth review and propose, to the Director General, the composition and terms of reference of experts or Ad hoc Groups of experts convened specifically to study such issues, and if necessary, to participate in the work of these Groups.

9. To advise the Director General on the composition and the activities of the Working Group on Wildlife Diseases and to coordinate its work.

10. To examine applications from Member Countries relating to the creation of new WOAH Reference Centres with activities corresponding to the Commission’s scientific terms of reference and report its findings to the Director General.

11. To provide, on request of the Director General, technical advice on proposals for the twinning of Reference Centres under Cooperative Capacity Building (“Twinning”) Agreements.

12. To advise the Director General on the status of the lists of the WOAH experts and Reference Centres.

13. To reply to relevant queries relating to the methods for the control of terrestrial animal diseases.

14. To represent the WOAH at scientific and specialised conferences upon the request of the Director General.

15. To work closely with the “Code Commission” to harmonize the standards, guidelines and other draft texts submitted to the Assembly for adoption.

Qualifications of the members

The members of the Commission shall be specialists internationally recognised in a field relevant to the control of infectious diseases of animals and shall have appropriate experience in animal disease control.


The members of the Commission should have a Curriculum Vitae and scientific publication record appropriate to an international specialist in a field or fields relevant to the control of infectious diseases of animals.

  • Dr. Cristóbal Zepeda

    President, SCAD Specialist Commission; Regional Manager, Latin America and the Caribbean


  • Dr. Silvia Bellini

    Staff Director, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna


  • Dr. Naomi Cogger

    Professor in Epidemiology and Risk Analysis & Postgraduate Lead, Massey University


  • Dr. Misheck Mulumba

    Senior Manager Research, Agricultural Research Council


  • Dr. Baptiste Dungu

    Veterinary Specialist, Afrivet Business Management


  • Prof. Jan Arend (Arjan) Stegeman

    Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University


February 2024A_SCAD_Feb2024.pdf (853 Kb)
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February 2023A_SCAD_Feb2023.pdf (1038 Mb)
September 2022A_SCAD_Sept2022.pdf (1035 Kb)
February 2022A_SCAD_Feb2022.pdf (2 Mb)
September 2021A_SCAD_Sept2021.pdf (1187 Kb)
February 2021A_SCAD_Feb2021.pdf (3322 Kb)
September 2020A_SCAD_Sept2020.pdf (1193 Kb)
February 2020A_SCAD_Feb2020.pdf (3649 Kb)
September 2019A_SCAD_Sept2019.pdf (1175 Kb)
February 2019A_SCAD_Feb2019.pdf (3800 Kb)
September 2018A_SCAD_Sept2018.pdf (3248 Kb)
February 2018A_SCAD_Feb2018.pdf (4890 Kb)
September 2017A_SCAD_Sept2017.pdf (2185 Kb)
February 2017A_SCAD_Feb2017.pdf (3361 Kb)
September 2016A_SCAD_Sept2016.pdf (3289 Kb)
 February 2016A_SCAD_Feb2016.pdf (3318 Kb)
September 2015A_SCAD_sept2015.pdf (4011 Kb)
February 2015A_SCAD_Feb2015.pdf (3425 Kb)
September 2014A_SCAD_sept2014.pdf (1920 Kb)
February 2014A_SCAD_Feb2014.pdf (1234 Kb)
September 2013A_SCAD_sept2013.pdf (1560 Kb)
February 2013A_SCAD_feb2013.pdf (1235 Kb)
August 2012A_SCAD_Aug2012.pdf (418 Kb)
February 2012A_SCAD_feb2012.pdf (2636 Kb)
Aug-Sept. 2011A_SCAD_Aug-Sept2011.pdf (921 Kb)
February 2011A_SCAD_feb2011.pdf (423 Kb)
September 2010A_SCAD_sept2010.pdf (678 Kb)
March 2010A_SCAD_march2010.pdf(1281 Kb)
September 2009A_SCAD_Sept09.pdf(313 Kb)
June 2009A_SCAD_June09.pdf(313 Kb)
February 2009A_SCAD_Feb2009.pdf (22538 Kb)
September 2008A_SCAD_Sept2008.pdf (972 Kb)
July 2008A_SCAD_Jul2008.pdf (168 Kb)
May 2008A_SCAD_24_May2008.pdf (128 Kb)
A_SCAD_31 May2008.pdf(137 Kb)
February 2008A_SCAD_feb2008.pdf(1089 Kb)
September 2007A_SCAD_Sept2007.pdf (2666 Kb)
May 2007A_SCAD_May2007.pdf (130 Kb)
February 2007A_SCAD_fev2007.pdf(2659 Kb)
January 2007A_SCAD_Jan2007.pdf (794 Kb)
September 2006A_SCAD_Sept2006.pdf(404 Kb)
July 2006A_SCAD_July2006.pdf(263 Kb)
March 2006A_SCAD_March2006.pdf (867 Kb)
January 2006A_SCAD_Jan2006.pdf (3791 Kb)
May 2005A_SCAD_May2005.pdf(1477 Kb)
January 2005A_SCAD_Jan05.pdf (1311 Kb)
May/June 2004A_SCAD_MJ2004.pdf (334 Kb)
March 2004A_SCAD_2004.pdf (353 Kb)
December 2003A_SCAD2003d.pdf(476 Kb)
August 2003A_SCFM2003Au.pdf(337 Kb)
May 2003A_SCFM2003M.pdf(187 Kb)
February 2003A_SCFM2003.pdf (404 Kb)
November 2002A_SCFM2002N.pdf(1524 Kb)
May 2002A_SCFM2002M.pdf (263 Kb)
January 2002A_SCFM2002.pdf (1074 Kb)
September 2001A_SCFM2001S.pdf (605 Kb)
January 2001A_SCFM2001.pdf(220 Kb)
September 2000A_SCFM2000S.pdf (70 Kb)
January 2000A_SCFM2000.pdf (262 Kb)
September 1999A_SCFM99S.pdf(29 Kb)

Terrestrial Code and Manual

Related links

  • Reference Laboratories ©OIE/C.Odinga

    Reference Laboratories

    Reference Laboratories are designated to carry out scientific and technical activities related to a specific disease. They also provide scientific and technical training for personnel from our Members, and coordinate scientific studies in collaboration with other laboratories or organisations. The Expert, responsible to WOAH and its Members with regard to a specific disease, is the leading and active researcher supporting the Reference Laboratory to provide scientific assistance and expert advice on topics linked to diagnosis and control of the disease.
  • WOAH Collaborating centres

    Collaborating Centres

    WOAH maintains a network of Collaborating Centres for the purposes of providing scientific expertise and support to the WOAH and its Members, and for promoting international collaboration on animal health and welfare. Collaborating Centres are designated for a specific specialty within a focus area relating to the management of general questions on animal health issues. In its designated specialty, they must provide their expertise internationally (see WOAH Terms of Reference and Internal Rules for Collaborating Centres).
  • ©World Organisation for Animal Health/H.Bader

    Animal Health and Welfare

    Like human health, animal health is complex and is faced with ever-evolving challenges. Thanks to the advances in technology, medicine and science, innovative solutions can be used to address animal diseases threats, whether they affect terrestrial animals, aquatic animals or wildlife. Animal health is a key component of animal welfare. Animal health professionals are the key actors in charge of optimising the physical and behavioural health and welfare of animals. They contribute to prevent, treat and control diseases which can affect an individual animal or even whole animal populations.
  • Determining disease status

    Official Disease Status

    Since 1998, the World Organisation for Animal Health has the mandate from the WTO to officially recognise disease-free areas of countries for trade purposes. The procedure for the official recognition of animal health status by WOAH is voluntary and applies currently to six diseases.

Other Commissions and Working Groups

  • Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission

    The Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission (the Aquatic Animals Commission), created in 1960, is responsible for ensuring that the Aquatic Animal Health Code (the Aquatic Code) and Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals (the Aquatic Manual) reflect current scientific information.
  • Scientific Commission

    Founded in 1946 and composed of six members, the Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases (Scientific Commission) assists in identifying the most appropriate strategies and measures for disease prevention and control. It is also responsible for examining voluntary requests from WOAH Members regarding their disease-specific animal health status.
  • Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission

    The Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission (the Code Commission), which was created in 1960, is responsible for ensuring that the Terrestrial Animal Health Code (the Terrestrial Code ) reflects current scientific information. The Terrestrial Code contains trade standards for terrestrial animals and their products.
  • Working Group on Wildlife

    Founded in 1994, this Working Group informs and advises the WOAH on all health problems relating to wild animals, whether in the wild or in captivity. It has prepared recommendations and oversees numerous scientific publications on the surveillance and control of the most important specific wildlife diseases. The Working Group comprises world-leading scientific experts in their subject areas.


Scientific Department

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