2nd Meeting of the Global Coordination Committee on Foot and Mouth Disease (GCC-FMD). Report of the virtual meeting, 12 April 2022

The 2nd meeting of the GCC-FMD was organised under the umbrella of the GF-TADs, by its FMD Working Group (WG) on 12 April 2022. The participants included representatives of 11 GCC-FMD Standing Member organisations, and representatives from the FAO and OIE regional offices, the representatives from FAO/WOAH regional Reference Centres, and the head of the FAO/WOAH World Reference Laboratory for FMD (WRLFMD, The Pirbright Institute, UK). The FMD-WG is looking to this committee to guide in the final phase of the implementation of the FAO/WOAH Global FMD Control Strategy, through sharing information and experiences, improving the alignment and coordination of regional initiatives with the FAO/WOAH Global FMD control strategy and eventually developing a 5-year global FMD action plan. The overall purpose of the GCC-FMD is to: (i) Facilitate the implementation of the Global strategy as it is entering the final phase of its implementation; (ii) Enhance information exchange and coordination at regional level; (iii) Enable replication of success across regions.