Camelid Infectious Disorders


This edition provides an up-to-date reference book covering all infectious diseases in camelids. The book is divided into chapters on bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic diseases; each section containing information on aetiology, epidemiology, clinical signs, pathology, diagnosis, prevention and control.

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Thematic publications


This edition provides an up-to-date reference book covering all infectious diseases in camelids. The book is divided into chapters on bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic diseases; each section containing information on aetiology, epidemiology, clinical signs, pathology, diagnosis, prevention and control.

The eminently qualified authors, Drs Ulrich Wernery, Jörg Kinne and Rolf Karl Schuster, have combined their expertise and extensive experience in microbiology, pathology and parasitology to share their knowledge with colleagues around the world.

ISBN 978-92-9044-954-6
29.7 x 21 cm, 500 pp.
In English

Additional information

Weight 2,5 kg
Dimensions 29,7 × 21 × 4 cm