Animal Diseases

This portal gives easy access to resources and information on both terrestrial and aquatic animal diseases.

WOAH defines “listed diseases” as a disease, infection or infestation listed in Chapter 1.3 of the Terrestrial and Aquatic Codes after adoption by the World Assembly of Delegates. The list of aquatic animal diseases and of the list terrestrial animal diseases are selected based on the criteria detailed in the Terrestrial Code and the Aquatic Code.  Consult the internal procedures for the decision to add (or remove) pathogenic agents of terrestrial animals or aquatic animals to (or from) WOAH’s List.

This portal gives access to all listed diseases as well as other additional important diseases not listed by WOAH, including several emerging diseases and more than 50 wildlife diseases which may have a serious impact on global health and can adversely affect wildlife conservation.

©World Organisation for Animal Health/B.Outtara


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