Haiti: Vaccinating dogs to move towards rabies eradication

WOAH has helped curb rabies in Haiti
Haiti April 2017

Among the existing measures to eradicate the disease, dogs’ vaccination plays a central role.

In 2017, the Haitian National Anti-rabies Programme carried out a 3-month mass dog vaccination campaign with the objective to vaccinate 70% of their dog population. To support this campaign, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, formerly OIE) provided 100.000 doses of vaccines through its Rabies Vaccine Bank, with the support of the Canadian Government. 

Thanks to this vaccine provision, Haiti could focus on other aspects of their rabies elimination programme. They could notably invest in technological innovations and equip the personal in charge of vaccination with smartphones to have a better knowledge of the dog population.

Implementing such vaccination campaigns on a regular basis can contribute to eradicate rabies in Haiti.

Vaccinate dogs now!