Simulation exercise: Swine disease in Colombia-2
15 to 18 August 2011
Doctor Teresita Beltrán Ospina, Director General, Colombian Institute for Agriculture and Livestock (ICA), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Bogotá, Colombia, informed the OIE that a simulation exercise on swine disease will take place in the city of Palmira, Valle del Cauca county, Colombia, from 15 to 18 August 2011.
The aim of this simulation exercise is to:
- Train the ICA veterinaries facing a swine disease, putting the emphasis on the procedures required for the notification, control and containment of the disease,
- Evaluate an emergency team intervention in case of a swine disease outbreak, reviewing all actions taken, the way to access information, sampling and the implementation of control, containment and eradication measures.
Will participate in this simulation exercise veterinarians from the western part of the country which comprises the most important swine production area and which is in the process of self- declaration of freedom from classical swine fever.
Animal Health Information Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]