Simulation exercise: Highly pathogenic avian influenza in Mexico

5 to 9 September 2011

Doctor Hugo Fragaso Sánchez, Director general of animal health, Animal and Plant Health, Food Safety and Food Quality National Service (SENASICA*), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA*), Mexico, informed the OIE that a field simulation exercise on highly pathogenic avian influenza will take place in the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas county, Mexico, from 5 to 9 September 2011.

With a view to enhancing animal and public health protection by relying on resources, proficiency and professionals prepared to handle in the appropriate manner notification, control and containment of diseases, this field simulation exercise will focus on:

  • reinforce and evaluate the capacities of management and response of professionals from public and private veterinary services of Mexico,
  • review all actions taken, the way to access information, sampling, remittance in the diagnostic centres and the implementation of control, containment and eradication measures.

SENASICA – Servicio nacional de sanidad, inocuidad y calidad agroalimentaria

SAGARPA – Secretaría de Agricultura, ganadería, desarrollo rural, pesca y alimentación

Animal Health Information Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]