Simulation exercise: Highly pathogenic avian influenza in Albania
Dr Lefter Klimi, Director of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection of Albania, informed the OIE that his country is free from highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) since March 2006 (date of the last outbreak) and that an integrated desktop simulation exercise for HPAI in animals and humans named “Janus-Albania 2008” will take place in Tirana from 30 to 31 January 2008.
The overall aim of this exercise is to enhance country preparedness and capacity to face outbreaks of HPAI in animals and humans.
The objectives of this exercise are to explore:
– the interaction, coordination and communication between the veterinary and health sectors and other associated authorities;
– animal and human health components of contingency plans;
– the roles and responsibilities of veterinary and public health sectors during an outbreak;
– media and public communications during an outbreak;
– the lines of communication between local and central authorities;
– data gathering and surveillance;
– the operational measures in containing an HPAI outbreak.
This event is organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection and the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the WHO, FAO and Health Protection Agency with the financial support of the USAID.
Animal Health Information Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]