Simulation exercise: Foot and mouth disease in Norway-1
Dr Kristina Landsverk, Chief Veterinary Officer, Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, informed the OIE that a simulation exercise on foot and mouth disease, codenamed “Kløver”/”Clover” will take place in Norway in 2019.
The main objectives are to test the General contingency plan for Animal health and the Contingency plan for foot and mouth disease.
The exercise consists of three separate parts:
1. Kløver Felt (Clover Field) to take place on 28 August 2019 as a field exercise. The objectives are to exercise:
• biosecurity measures on the farm,
• plans for depopulation, washing and disinfection,
• laboratory routines at the National Reference Laboratory (NRL).
2. Kløver Alarm (Clover Alarm): an alarm drill to take place on a random day in September. The objectives are to:
• activate and operate the crisis management organisation,
• test procedures during the first hours of an incident.
3. Kløver Ess (Ace of Clover/Clubs): to take place from 23 to 24 October. The objectives are to:
• operate the crisis organisation on day 4 and 5 of an outbreak,
• coordinate decision making, operations and resources,
• handle information flow and crisis communication.
The Norwegian Food Safety Authority, the National Veterinary Institute, The Ministry of Agriculture and Food, The Norwegian Civil Defence, stakeholders, private collaborators and others will take part in the exercise.
World Animal Health Information and Analysis Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]