Simulation exercise: Foot and mouth disease in Canada 2
Dr. Brian Evans, Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO), Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), Ottawa, Canada, informs the OIE that a simulation exercise on foot and mouth disease (FMD) will take place in Dawson Creek and Abbotsford, in the province of British Columbia (BC) from 11 to 13 June 2012.
The exercise involves staff from multiple agencies such as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), BC Ministry of Agriculture (AGRI), BC Ministry of Environment (MOE), Emergency Management British Columbia (EMBC), Peace River Regional District (PRRD), Public Safety Canada (PS), Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia (IAF) and Industry (BC Cattlemen’s Association).
The objectives of the exercise are to:
- provide an opportunity for local governments and provincial ministries to participate in response to an FMD simulation event with the CFIA in the context of the current British Columbia Foreign Animal Disease Emergency Support (FADES) plan;
- test the activation of the multi-agency coordination features of the Incident Command System (ICS) for use in animal disease response in British Columbia, specifically to examine the concept of a District Command level;
- examine the capabilities of CFIA and support agencies to use existing local government emergency facilities and provincial government regional Emergency Operations Centres.
- validate field site operations for multi-agency response, using mass carcass disposal as at least one activity.
Animal Health Information Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]