Simulation exercise: Foot and mouth disease in Australia-7
Dr Gardner Murray, Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer, Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, informed the OIE that a simulation exercise on foot and mouth disease, called “Camperdown 08”, will take place in Camperdown, western Victoria from 29 to 30 October 2008.
The aim of the exercise is to improve the preparedness and capability of the Department of Primary Industries, Victoria to respond to the incursion of an emergency animal disease (EAD). The objectives of the exercise include building skills of selected personnel, trialling EAD response plans, increasing awareness of EAD response activities and collaborating with industry in assessing the practical implications of implementing these response activities.
The exercise is a controlled, scenario-driven activity that will take place in an operational environment and will require players to perform a range of tasks related to their emergency roles. A Local Disease Control Centre (LDCC) will be established and management teams will be required to meet and make decisions. The LDCC will be run as a table top exercise. The exercise will incorporate field activities at three field sites.
Animal Health Information Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]