Simulation exercise: Classical swine fever in Moldova
19 February
The National Food Safety Agency of Moldova informed the OIE that a national table-top simulation exercise (SimEx) on classical swine fever (CSF), is taking place in Chisinau on 19 February 2015.
Representatives from central and local level are attending this exercise that consists of two parts:
- the update of knowledge about CSF and activities of disease control,
- a table-top simulation exercise based on a scenario.
The aim of SimEx is to test the reaction capacity in CSF crises and also test the applicability of contingency plan and operation manual for CSF.
This SimEx is organized under BTSF*-AENP technical assistance mission in Republic of Moldova, an initiative of the European Union.
* BTSF Better Training for Safer Food
World Animal Health Information and Analysis Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]