Simulation exercise: Biological terrorism threat – Foot and mouth disease in Spain
Dr Valentín Almansa, Director General of Agricultural Production Sanitary Safety, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment informed the OIE about a field simulation exercise linking the concept of a biological terrorism threat with the suspicion of an introduction of foot and mouth disease (FMD) virus on a farm. It will take place on 26 and 27 October 2016.
The overall objective of this exercise, which will involve the Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) and of the Autonomous Communities, the State Security Forces (National Police and Civil Guard) and the Management Unit of the Biological Alert Laboratory Network (RE-LAB) with the relevant laboratory, is to assess the inter-institutional coordination mechanisms with a view to facing emergencies of biological terrorism threats in the field of animal health and to train persons who have roles in decision-making and implementation of actions in response to crisis situations, as well as reviewing and verifying the National and Autonomous Communities contingency plans against the disease, the response capability of the relevant laboratories and control measures in front of the suspicion of an outbreak of FMD in Spain.
The specific objectives of this exercise are to assess the following points:
- The action of the State Security Forces against a threat of bioterrorism.
- The relevance and timeliness of communication of the risks by stakeholders related to the Management Unit of the Biological Warning Laboratories involved in the response.
- The communication and proper shipping of samples to the National Reference Laboratory and subsequent processing.
- The coordination and response of the MAGRAMA and of the concerned Autonomous Community when facing a suspicion of an outbreak of FMD in Spain.
- The running and effectiveness of contingency plans against FMD.
- The capacity of the Veterinary Services of MAGRAMA and of the Autonomous Community to manage a suspicion of FMD.
World Animal Health Information and Analysis Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]