Simulation exercise: Avian influenza in Argentina
Dr Jorge Nestor Amaya, President, National Agrifood Health and Quality Service (SENASA), Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, Buenos Aires, has informed the OIE that his country will conduct an "exotic poultry disease simulation exercice" from 7 to 11 August 2005 in Concepción del Uruguay, Province of Entre Ríos.
Several countries of the region (Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay) have been invited to send specialists to attend this event, as well as a Chilean expert who experienced HPAI epizootic outbreak that occurred in his country in 2002.
The purpose of this simulation is to provide training to the technical professionals involved in order to cope with possible infection of poultry with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, basically by implementing an epidemiological surveillance system for poultry diseases, strengthening sanitary barriers and animal health emergency systems, and raising public awareness of the importance of avian influenza for public health.
Animal Health Information Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]