Simulation exercise: Avian influenza in Albania
Dr Lefter Klimi, Director of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection of Albania, informed the OIE that a simulation exercise will be conducted by Animal Heath & Plant protection Directory at Petrela-Berzhita villages from 6 to 7 December 2006.
This simulation exercise will be a simulated response to a hypothetical outbreak of avian Influenza in a poultry farm, region of Tirana. On 6 December a theoretical part will be done with veterinary inspectors and other participants. The practical part will be conducted on 7 December.
The objectives of the exercise are:
– to allow staff to practice their skills in their work area.
– to demonstrate to other inspectors the procedures that needed in such a case.
– to test effectiveness of communications between field teams, local, central administration laboratory and communication with media.
Animal Health Information Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]