Simulation exercise: Avian influenza and foot and mouth disease in Croatia
Dr Mirjana Matauši?-Pišl, Assistant to the Minister and Chief Veterinary Officer, Veterinary Directorate of the Croatian Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, Zagreb, informed the OIE that a table-top simulation exercise on avian influenza (AI) and foot and mouth disease (FMD) is taking place in Croatia, from 12 to 14 March 2013.
This exercise has been prepared in collaboration with the European Commission TAIEX*.
The aim of the exercise is to raise awareness of various veterinarians on:
- reviewing the EU legislation on prevention, control and eradication of AI and FMD;
- reviewing and rehearsing the AI and FMD legislation and contingency plans prepared by Croatia.
The participating veterinarians are from the Veterinary Directorate working at central, regional and local level; from the National Reference Laboratories for AI and FMD, as well as the ones from regulatory authorities called upon during animal disease emergencies.
*Technical Assistance and Information Exchange of the European Commission
Animal Health Information Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
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