Simulation exercise: Avian influenza and classical swine fever in Costa Rica
Dr Bernardo Jaén Hernández, Director General of National Service for Animal Health (SENASA), Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica, informed the OIE that a simulation exercise on avian influenza and classical swine fever will take place in Costa Rica, from 14 to 17 November 2016.
The first working day will take place in the Auditorium Adrian Rojas, located at the Headquarters of SENASA and then the exercise will be carried out in the premises of the Experimental Alfredo Volio Mata Station of the University of Costa Rica and Association of Veterinary Doctors in Ochomogo, Cartago.
This simulation exercise will be conducted with the cooperation of the Office of Agricultural Affairs of the Embassy of the United States of America (USDA), and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).
Public and private sector will participate in the simulation exercise: Ministry of Agriculture and livestock (SENASA), Ministry of Health, Ministry of Security, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, National Emergency Commission, College of veterinarians, universities, Chamber of pig breeders in Costa Rica, Chamber of poultry farmers in Costa Rica, private veterinarians, OIRSA; who would be involved in the emergency health care.
The objectives of this simulation exercise are to:
- Review and test surveillance protocols, contingency plans, as well as control and eradication measures, with a view to identifying improvements that could be made in the plans, instructions, legislation, structures and procedures for avian influenza and classical swine fever.
- Assess the organizational structure and responsibilities of those involved in the timely and effective handling of a health emergency due to the occurrence of an outbreak of avian influenza and classical swine fever in Costa Rica.
- Improve the capacity of SENASA, veterinarians and technicians, as well as others involved in the handling of an outbreak of an exotic disease, focusing on procedures for the notification handling, the control and containment of the disease.
- Evaluate the cooperation and coordination between Veterinary Services, other public bodies and the private sector, in response to a health emergency.
World Animal Health Information and Analysis Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]