Simulation exercise: African swine fever in Romania
Dr Niculae Lazar, Acting Director General, National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority of Romania (NSVFSA), informed the OIE that a combined simulation exercise (table-top – field – diagnostic) on African swine fever (ASF) will take place in Bistri?a-N?s?ud County from 7 to 10 October 2013.
Will participate to this exercise representatives of NSVFSA, representatives of 42 County Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Directorates (CSVFSD), of the National Group of Experts on ASF, of the Institute for Diagnostic and Animal Health (the National Reference Laboratory for ASF), as well as representatives of Inspectorates for Emergency Situations (IES) from a few North-West counties of Romania. Foreign observers from UE Member States and Third Countries are invited too. The Local Disease Control Centre (LDCC) will be set up.
The overall aim of this exercise is to review and check the Government contingency plans and policies for the control and eradication of an outbreak of ASF with a view to identifying improvements in the plans, instructions, structures and procedures.
The objectives of this simulation exercise are to:
- demonstrate that the government is taking the threat of an exotic animal disease seriously and that it has effective policies and contingency plans in place;
- demonstrate the joined up response of the veterinary authorities to an outbreak of ASF;
- exercise the authorities response to an outbreak of ASF in conjunction with their operational partners, both nationally and locally;
- increase awareness of relevant Romanian authorities.
Animal Health Information Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]