Simulation exercise: African swine fever in Nicaragua
Dr Wilmer José Juárez, Director of Animal Health, Institute for Plant Protection and Animal Health of Nicaragua (IPSA), informed the OIE that a national simulation exercise on African swine fever (ASF) will take place in Managua, from 18 to 21 November 2019.
This simulation exercise is part of the continuous training process of the Veterinary Service of Nicaragua Animal Health.
The specific objectives are to:
- test the response capacity from Public Institutions, from the Official Veterinary Services as well as private veterinarians when facing the potential introduction of ASF in Nicaragua;
- strengthen biosecurity and epidemiological surveillance measures related to the prevention of ASF;
- strengthen the technical capacities and establish a national group of early response;
- validate the general manual for the management of emergencies.
One hundred thirty (130) professionals will participate to this exercise. Among them will be administrative personnel from IPSA, veterinarians from the Official veterinary services, from quarantine, traceability, veterinary diagnostic laboratory, personnel from Institutions of the national consumption and commerce production system (SNPCC), from the Ministry of Health, national System for Prevention, Mitigation and Management of Disasters (SINAPRED) , from Nicaraguan Army, from national Police, from Nicaraguan Chamber of Pig Farmers (CANIPOR), from OIRSA, FAO, IICA, OIE, as well as private companies and producers.
World Animal Health Information and Analysis Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]