Plurithematic issue
Scientific and Technical Review, Vol. 35 (3)


Volume 35 (3) of the Scientific and Technical Review contains 19 articles submitted by experts from around the world on a variety of issues. It deals with surveillance, in various regions of the world, of diseases occurring in large livestock (cattle, horses and camelids), including foot and mouth disease (FMD), bluetongue, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, and zoonotic diseases such as West Nile fever. Other articles discuss epidemiological issues relating to wildlife diseases, bird diseases, particularly avian influenza, and bee diseases. It also includes articles on molecular epidemiology and virology and covers issues such as the inactivation of the FMD virus in pet food and the impact of viral mutations on vaccination for infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease). In addition, water quality on bird farms and the bacteriological quality of raw cow’s milk in the dairy production chain are addressed from a food safety perspective.

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