The third OIE training course on PVS was held February 5-9, 2007 at the OIE Headquarters in Paris , in collaboration with the OIE Collaborating Centre in Lyons . To date, more than 100 participants have received the PVS training.
Participants in the courses include: international veterinary experts; Chief Veterinary Officers (CVOs) and representatives from OIE Member Countries; OIE Central Bureau and Regional staff; and invitees from other international organizations.
From those experts who have completed the training, a pool of more than 70 OIE officially certified assessors are available to conduct evaluations using the PVS tool.
Participants in the PVS training receive extensive training materials that include reference material, templates and communication aids that can be used to carry out an evaluation. The OIE has committed to provide updated PVS materials and templates to certified experts to ensure that they remain current with the PVS tool and is currently refining an internet-based tool for use by certified assessors to facilitate preparation and analysis of evaluation reports.
The PVS course supports OIE’s objective of achieving improvement of animal health governance in Member Countries. The OIE envisions completing evaluations for 105 countries over a three-year period using the PVS tool.