Global Joint Summit of Human and Veterinary Medicines Regulatory Authorities to Preserve Antimicrobials

The 1st global joint summit of human and veterinary medicines regulatory authorities to preserve antimicrobials, with the theme, ‘Phasing out over-the-counter sales of antibiotics,’ was hosted by the Quadripartite organisations – FAO, UNEP, WHO, and WOAH – on 4-5 May 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland.
The summit, conducted in a hybrid format, brought together over 200 participants from 100 countries, including human and veterinary medicines regulators, policymakers, scientists, UN agencies, international organisations, and other stakeholders from around the world. The summit agenda was informed by a series of pre-summit consultations with human and veterinary prescribers, civil society as well as industry stakeholders.
AMR is associated with a significantly high mortality and morbidity as evidenced by 4.95 million associated deaths and 1.27 million deaths attributable to bacterial AMR in 2019 with implications for public health, animal health, food security and the global economy which demands the concerted efforts of all stakeholders.
The main aim of the summit was to review the current global status of over-the-counter sales of antibiotics in both human and veterinary health sectors and identify relevant intervention strategies to phase out over-the counter sales, unregulated and unlawful online sales, as well as sub-standards and falsified medicines.
The summit also aimed to define ways to enhance collaboration and coordination among human and veterinary medicines regulatory agencies and other key stakeholders.