Ranaviruses belong to the Iridoviridae family and have become a significant agent of concern in amphibian, reptile, and fish populations in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. They are enveloped double-stranded DNA viruses, but an envelope is not necessary for the virus to be infectious. The genus Ranavirus is comprised of multiple viral species, some of which are listed in the OIE Aquatic Code (Chapter 1.3) and may therefore be notifiable agents (see Hosts below). These viruses are common causes of epizootic outbreaks and often cause massive mortality events, particularly in naive terrestrial populations.
For the purpose of voluntary reporting on non OIE-notifiable disease in wildlife, “infection with ranaviruses” refers to reptilian infections. Information on amphibian infections with ranaviruses must be submitted through the mandatory reports for the OIE-notifiable diseases. Additionally, epizootic haematopoietic necrosis virus infections in fish are reportable to the OIE as indicated in The Aquatic Animal Health Code .