Monitoring and Evaluation for Effective Management of Zoonotic Diseases
Monitoring and Evaluation for Effective Management of Zoonotic Diseases: An operational tool of the Tripartite Zoonoses Guide (TZG)
The M&E OT supports countries in their efforts to establish and strengthen monitoring and evaluation practices for coordinated, multisectoral, One Health zoonotic disease-related activities and programmes, following the guidance provided in the TZG.
While the focus is on zoonotic diseases, this tool may be adapted for other health threats at the human–animal–environment interface, such as food safety and antimicrobial resistance, which also require a multisectoral, One Health approach.
The M&E OT provides a framework for M&E in alignment with the TZG and its operational tools, offering foundational guidance for developing and implementing country-specific coordinated M&E processes. It focuses on multisectoral coordinated or joint activities, and emphasizes the importance of defining measurable results, collecting relevant information and data, and using the insights for planning and
continuous improvement of multisectoral programmes addressing zoonotic diseases.