Terrestrial Animal Health Code

Contents | Index SECTION 3. SECTION 5.


General recommendations: Disease prevention and control

Chapter 4.1.

General principles on identification and traceability of live animals

Chapter 4.2.

Design and implementation of identification systems to achieve animal traceability

Chapter 4.3.

Zoning and compartmentalisation

Chapter 4.4.

Application of compartmentalisation

Chapter 4.5.

General hygiene in semen collection and processing centres

Chapter 4.6.

Collection and processing of bovine, small ruminant and porcine semen

Chapter 4.7.

Collection and processing of in vivo derived embryos from livestock and equids

Chapter 4.8.

Collection and processing of oocytes and in vitro produced embryos from livestock and horses

Chapter 4.9.

Collection and processing of micromanipulated oocytes or embryos from livestock and horses

Chapter 4.10.

Collection and processing of laboratory rodent and rabbit oocytes or embryos

Chapter 4.11.

Somatic cell nuclear transfer in production livestock and horses

Chapter 4.12.

Disposal of dead animals

Chapter 4.13.

General recommendations on disinfection and disinsection

Chapter 4.14.

Official health control of bee diseases

Chapter 4.15.

Hygiene precautions, identification, blood sampling and vaccination

Chapter 4.16.

High health status horse subpopulation

Chapter 4.17.


2018 ©OIE - Terrestrial Animal Health Code

Contents | Index SECTION 3. SECTION 5.