Terrestrial Animal Health Code

Contents | Index Chapter 1.7. SECTION 1. Chapter 1.9.

Chapter 1.8.

Application for official recognition by the OIE of risk status for bovine spongiform encephalopathy

Article 1.8.1.

The following information should be provided by OIE Member Countries to support applications for official recognition of risk status for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in accordance with Chapter 11.4. of the Terrestrial Code.

The Delegate of the Member Country submitting documentation of the legislation under which the Veterinary Services are mandated should provide a description of the content of the relevant legal acts (in one of the three official languages of OIE), as well as the dates of official publication and implementation.

The dossier provided to the OIE should address concisely all the topics under the headings provided to describe the actual situation in the country and the procedures currently applied, explaining how these comply with the Terrestrial Code.

The terminology defined in the OIE Terrestrial Code and Terrestrial Manual should be referred to and used in compiling the dossier.

National legislation, regulations and Veterinary Authority directives may be referred to and annexed as appropriate in one of the OIE official languages. Weblinks to supporting documents in one of the official languages of the OIE may also be provided, where they exist.

All annexes should be provided in one of the OIE official languages.

The Delegate of the Member Country applying for official recognition of BSE risk status must submit documentary evidence that the provisions of Article 11.4.2. and Article 11.4.3. or Article 11.4.4. have been properly implemented and supervised.

  1. Introduction

    Provide a general description of the bovine (Bos taurus and B. indicus) husbandry and slaughtering practices in the country. Provide figures and tables as appropriate.

  2. Veterinary system

    1. Describe how the Veterinary Services of the country comply with the provisions of Chapters 1.1., 3.1. and 3.2. of the Terrestrial Code;

    2. describe how the Veterinary Services supervise, control, enforce and monitor all BSE-related activities;

    3. provide maps, figures and tables wherever possible;

    4. provide information on any OIE PVS evaluation conducted in the country and follow-up actions within the PVS Pathway highlighting the results relevant to BSE and the susceptible species;

    5. provide a description of the structure (including number and distribution) and role of private veterinary sector in BSE surveillance and control.

Article 1.8.2.

BSE risk status requirements: Section 1: risk assessment (see point 1) of Article 11.4.2.)

Article 11.4.2. of the Terrestrial Code Chapter on BSE prescribes the criteria to determine the BSE risk status of the cattle population of a country or zone. The Delegate of the Member Country applying for recognition of a claim for negligible risk status (Article 11.4.3.) or controlled risk status (Article 11.4.4.) must demonstrate compliance with the Terrestrial Code. That is, the Delegate must submit documentary evidence that the provisions of Article 11.4.3. or Article 11.4.4. have been properly implemented and complied with.

  1. Introduction

    The Delegate of the Member Country applying for official recognition by the OIE of BSE risk status of the cattle population of the country or zone should submit documentary evidence demonstrating that a risk assessment based on Section 2 and Chapter 11.4. of the Terrestrial Code has been carried out.

  2. Entry assessment

    1. The potential for the entry of the classical BSE agent through importation of meat-and-bone meal or greaves (including of non-ruminant origin)

      Knowledge of the origin of meat-and-bone meal, greaves or feed ingredients containing either meat-and-bone meal or greaves, is necessary to assess the risk of entry of classical BSE agent. meat-and-bone meal and greaves originating in countries of undetermined or controlled BSE risk pose a higher likelihood of entry than that from negligible risk countries.

      Has meat-and-bone meal, greaves (including of non-ruminant origin) or feed ingredients containing either, been imported within the past eight years? If not, provide documentary evidence, including supporting legislation, where relevant:

      1. to support claims that meat-and-bone meal (including of non-ruminant origin), greaves or feed ingredients containing either meat-and-bone meal or greaves have not been imported, OR

      If meat-and-bone meal, greaves (including of non-ruminant origin) or feed ingredients containing either, has been imported within the past eight years, provide documentary evidence of the following:

      1. official statistics on annual volume, by country of origin, of meat-and-bone meal (including of non-ruminant origin), greaves or feed ingredients containing them;

      2. the species composition of the meat-and-bone meal, greaves or feed ingredients;

      3. the method used to reduce BSE infectivity complies with Article 11.4.19.

    2. The potential for the entry of the classical BSE agent through the importation of potentially infected live cattle

      The likelihood of entry is dependent on:

      • the BSE status of the country or zone of origin;

      • dairy versus meat breeds, where there are differences in exposure in the country or zone of origin because feeding practices result in greater exposure of one category;

      • age of animals imported for slaughter;

      • the effective implementation of the ban on feeding of ruminants with meat-and-bone meal and greaves derived from ruminants in the country or zone of origin before the birth of the imported animals.

      Have live cattle been imported within the past seven years? Provide documentary evidence of the following:

      1. to support claims that live cattle have not been imported including supporting legislation, OR

      2. the country or zone of origin and volume of imports, official statistics, where relevant, in table form, and evidence of compliance with the requirements of Articles 11.4.6. to 11.4.9.

    3. The potential for the entry of the classical BSE agent through the importation of potentially infected products of ruminant origin

      The likelihood of entry is dependent on:

      • the BSE status of the country or zone of origin and whether these products contain tissues known to contain BSE infectivity (Article 11.4.13.);

      • dairy versus meat breeds, where there are differences in exposure in the country or zone of origin because feeding practices result in greater exposure of one category;

      • age at slaughter.

      What products of ruminant origin have been imported within the past seven years? This includes all products of ruminant origin that are not considered as safe commodities in Article 11.4.1., in particular products listed in points 1 a) v), vi) and vii) of Article 11.4.2. Provide documentary evidence of the following:

      1. the country or zone of origin and volume of imports, in table form, of all products of ruminant origin that are not considered as safe commodities in Article 11.4.1.;

      2. evidence of compliance with the requirements of Article 11.4.26.

  3. Exposure assessment

    1. The origin of ruminant carcasses, by-products and slaughterhouses/abattoir waste, the parameters of the rendering processes

      The overall risk of BSE in the cattle population of a country or zone is proportional to the potential for recycling and amplification of the infectivity through rendering practices. For the risk assessment to conclude that the cattle population of a country or zone is of negligible or controlled BSE risk, it must have demonstrated that appropriate measures have been taken to manage any risks identified. If potentially infected cattle or contaminated materials are rendered, there is a risk that the resulting meat-and-bone meal could retain BSE infectivity.

      Rendering is a process by which inedible animal by-products and slaughter waste, including bones and fallen stock, are transformed into meat-and-bone meal.

      How have ruminant carcasses, by-products and slaughterhouses/abattoir waste been processed over the past eight years? Provide the following:

      1. A description of the collection and disposal of fallen stock, inedible animal by-products, and materials condemned as unfit for human consumption. If by-products derived from imported cattle are managed differently, describe the process.

      2. A description of the definition, collection and disposal of material listed in Article 11.4.14.

      3. A description of the rendering industry and processes and parameters used to produce ruminant meat-and-bone meal and greaves.

      4. Documentation describing monitoring and enforcement of the above.

      5. Information in a table (see below), including the audit findings in rendering plants processing material of ruminant origin (including mixed species containing ruminant material) and only material of non-ruminant origin (e.g., fish, poultry, pig, horse), related to the prohibition of the feeding to ruminants of meat-and-bone meal and greaves. The sampling objectives to detect whether material of non-ruminant origin could have been contaminated with ruminant material.

        Year (information should be provided for each of the eight years for which effectiveness is claimed)Type of renderersNumber of plantsNumber of plants in (A) inspected under Competent Authority supervisionNumber of inspections in (B) in totalTotal number of plants in (B) with infractions Total number of plants in (B) inspected under Competent Authority supervision with samplingTotal number of plants in (E) with positive test results
        (A)(B) (C) (D)(E) (F)
        Year 1Material of ruminant origin (or mixed species) (e.g.: < or = to A)(e.g.: > or = to B)(e.g.: < or = to B)Not applicable for the purpose of the dossierNot applicable for the purpose of the dossier
        Only material of non-ruminant origin (e.g.: < or = to A)(e.g.: > or = to B)(e.g.: < or = to B)(e.g.: < or = to B) (e.g.: < or = to E)
        Year 2, etc.Material of ruminant origin (or mixed species)    Not applicable for the purpose of the dossierNot applicable for the purpose of the dossier
        Only material of non-ruminant origin      
      6. Information in a table (see below) on each rendering plant referred to above processing material of ruminant origin (including mixed species containing ruminant material) and only material of non-ruminant origin (e.g., fish, poultry, pig, horse) with infractions, specifying the type of infraction (columns D and F of the table above) and the method of resolution.

      Year (information should be provided for each of theeight years for which effectiveness is claimed) Type of renderers Plant IDNature of infractionMethod of resolution Follow-up results
      Year 1 Material of ruminant origin (or mixed species)ID 1   
      ID 2   
      ID 3, etc.   
      Only material of non-ruminant originID 1   
      ID 2   
      ID 3, etc.   
      Year 2, etc. Material of ruminant origin (or mixed species)    
      Only material of non-ruminant origin    
    2. The potential for the exposure of cattle to the classical and atypical BSE agents through consumption of meat-and-bone meal or greaves of ruminant origin

      The overall risk of BSE in the cattle population of a country or zone is proportional to the level of known or potential exposure to BSE infectivity. If cattle have not been fed products of ruminant origin (other than milk or blood) potentially containing meat-and-bone meal or greaves of ruminant origin within the past eight years, meat-and-bone meal and greaves can be dismissed as a risk. Where meat-and-bone meal is utilised in the production of any ruminant feed, a risk of cross-contamination exists.

      Countries applying for negligible risk status will be required to demonstrate that the ruminant feed ban has been effective for at least eight years.

      Feed mills are processing plants where different feed ingredientsare mixed and processed together to produce compound feed for animals. This should include on-farm feed producers that keep cattle.

      Has meat-and-bone mealor greaves of ruminant origin been fed to cattle within the past eight years (Articles 11.4.3. and 11.4.4. in the Terrestrial Code)? Describe the following:

      1. the feed industry, including repartition between feed mills producing feed for ruminant only, feed for non-ruminant only and feed for both;

      2. methods of animal feed production, including details of ingredients used, the extent of use of meat-and-bone meal (including of non-ruminant origin) in any livestock feed;

      3. the use of imported meat-and-bone meal and greaves (including of non-ruminant origin), their country or zone of origin, including the feeding of any animal species;

      4. the use made of meat-and-bone meal and greaves produced from ruminants, including the feeding of any animal species;

      5. the measures taken to control cross-contamination of ruminant feed ingredients with the meat-and-bone meal and greaves including the risk of cross-contamination during production, transport, storage and feeding;

      6. provide details in a table, on the audit findings in feed mill processing feed for ruminant only, for non-ruminant only and for both, related to the prohibition of the feeding to ruminants of meat-and-bone meal and greaves. The sampling aims to detect whether material of ruminant origin could have contaminated feed intended to ruminant;

        Year (information should be provided for each of the eight years for which effectiveness is claimed)Type of feed millNumber of feed millsNumber of feed mills in (A) inspected under Competent Authority supervisionNumber of inspections in (B) in totalTotal number of feed mills in (B) with infractionsTotal number of inspected feed mills in (B) with samplingTotal number of feed mills in (E) with positive test results
        (A)(B)  (C)  (D)(E)  (F)
        Year 1For ruminant only
        For non-ruminant only    Not applicable for the purpose of the dossierNot applicable for the purpose of the dossier
        For both      
        Year 2, etc.For ruminant only
        For non-ruminant only    Not applicable for the purpose of the dossierNot applicable for the purpose of the dossier
        For both      
      7. details in a table, on each feed mill processing feed for ruminant only, for non-ruminant only and for both, with infractions, specifying the type of infraction (columns D and F of the table above) and the method of resolution;

        Year (information should be provided for each of the eight years for which effectivenessis claimed)Type of feed mills Feed mills ID Nature of infractionMethod of resolutionFollow-up results
        Année 1For ruminant onlyID 1
        ID 2
        ID 3, etc.
        For non-ruminant onlyID 1
        ID 2
        ID 3, etc.
        For bothID 1
        ID 2
        ID 3, etc.
        Année 2, etc.For ruminant onlyID 1
        ID 2
        ID 3, etc.
        For non-ruminant onlyID 1
        ID 2
        ID 3, etc.
        For bothID 1
        ID 2
        ID 3, etc.
      8. why, in light of the findings displayed in the preceding four tables (of Sections 4 and 5), it is considered that there has been no significant exposure of cattle to the BSE agent through consumption of meat-and-bone meal or greaves of ruminant origin;

      9. husbandry practices (multiple species farms) which could lend themselves to cross-contamination of ruminant feed with meat-and-bone meal and greaves destined to other species.

Article 1.8.3.

BSE risk status requirements: Section 2: other requirements (see points 2) to 4) of Article 11.4.2.)

  1. Awareness programme (see point 2) of Article 11.4.2.)

    An awareness programme is essential in ensuring detection and reporting of BSE, especially in countries of low prevalence and competing differential diagnoses. Provide documentary evidence of the following:

    1. when the awareness programme was implemented and its continuous application and geographical coverage;

    2. the number and occupation of persons who have participated in the awareness programme (farmers, livestock owners, animal handlers, veterinarians, workers at livestock markets or auctions, workers at slaughterhouses/abattoirs, etc.);

    3. a description of the materials used in the awareness programme (the manual, supportive documents, or other teaching materials) (Weblinks to supporting documents in one of the official languages of the OIE may also be provided, where they exist.);

    4. contingency plans or preparedness plans to deal with an occurrence of BSE.

  2. Compulsory notification and investigation (see point 3) of Article 11.4.2.)

    In order to ensure appropriate detection and follow-up of any BSE cases, appropriate legislation to support BSE control and eradication and effective regulatory controls and verification should be in place.

    The socioeconomic implications of BSE require that there be incentives and obligations to notify and investigate suspected cases.

    1. Describe the guidance given to farmers, livestock owners, animal handlers, veterinarians, workers at livestock markets or auctions, workers at slaughterhouses/abattoirs, etc. in terms of the criteria that would initiate the investigation of an animal suspected as being a case of BSE. Have these criteria evolved and, if so, how?

    2. What was the date and content of the legal act making notification of suspected cases of BSE compulsory?

    3. Describe the measures in place to stimulate notification, such as compensation payments or penalties for not notifying a suspected case.

  3. Examination in an approved laboratory of brain or other tissues collected within the framework of the surveillance system described above (see point 4) of Article 11.4.2.)

    Provide documentary evidence that the relevant provisions of Chapter 2.4.5. of the Terrestrial Manual are applied, including the following:

    1. if BSE laboratory diagnosis carried out in the country provide an overview of the approved laboratories where samples of cattle tissues from the country or zone are examined for BSE;

    2. if BSE laboratory diagnosis is not carried out in the country, provide the names of the laboratories in other countries providing the service as well as the arrangements in place, including logistics for shipment of samples and the time frame for reporting results;

    3. that these diagnostic procedures and methods have been applied through the entire surveillance period.

Article 1.8.4.

Section 3: BSE surveillance and monitoring systems (see point 1 b) iv) and point 4) of Article 11.4.2.)

Articles 11.4.20.. to 11.4.22.. prescribe the number of cattle, by subpopulation, that need to be tested in order to ensure the detection of BSE at or above a minimal threshold prevalence.

  1. Does the BSE surveillance programme comply with the guidelines in Articles 11.4.20. to 11.4.22. of the Terrestrial Code? Provide documentary evidence of the following:

    1. that the samples collected are representative of the distribution of the cattle population in the country or zone, including by age and subpopulations as described in Article 11.4.21.;

    2. the methods applied to assess the ages of animals sampled and the proportions for each method (individual identification, dentition, other methods to be specified);

    3. the means and procedures whereby samples were assigned to the cattle subpopulations described in Article 11.4.21., including the specific provisions applied to ensure that animals described as clinical met the conditions of point 1) of Article 11.4.21. and that at least three of the four subpopulations have been sampled.

  2. In a table (see below), provide details of all clinically suspected cases notified complying with the definition in point 1) of Article 11.4.21.

    Age Description
    of observed
    clinical signs
    Point of detection
    (farm, market channels, slaughterhouse)
    Final diagnosis
  3. In a table (see below), provide details of the number of target points applicable to the country or zone and its BSE surveillance requirements (type A or type B surveillance as a result of the risk assessment of Section 1) are met as described in Articles 11.4.21. and 11.4.22..

    Year: (complete a separate table for each year of surveillance)
     Surveillance subpopulations
      Routine slaughterFallen stockCasualty slaughterClinical suspect
    >1 and <2 years        
    >2 and <4 years
    >4 and <7 years        
    >7 and <9 years
    >9 years
    Total points        
  4. Provide the number of adult cattle (over 24 months of age) in the country or zone.

Article 1.8.5.

Section 4: BSE history of the country or zone (see Articles 11.4.3. and 11.4.4.)

The categorisation of a country or zone as either negligible or controlled risk is dependent upon, the outcome of the risk assessment described in Section 1, compliance with the provisions described in Section 2, the results of surveillance described in Section 3, and the history of BSE in the country or zone. Describe the BSE history in the country or zone by providing documentary evidence of the following:

  1. Whether a case of BSE has ever been diagnosed in the country or zone.

  2. In the case of positive BSE findings:

    1. the numbers of BSE cases (classical and atypical), the origin of each BSE case in respect to the country or zone. Indicate the birth date and place of birth;

    2. the most recent year of birth of the classical BSE cases;

    3. that the case(s); and

    4. all cattle which, during their first year of life, were reared with the BSE cases during their first year of life, and which investigation could not rule out consumption of the same potentially contaminated feed during that period; or

    5. if the results of the investigation are inconclusive, all cattle born in the same herd as, and within 12 months of the birth of, the BSE cases; and

    6. if alive in the country or zone, how they are permanently identified, and their movements controlled, and, when slaughtered or at death, are completely destroyed.

Article 1.8.6.

Recovery of BSE risk status

Member Countries applying for recognition of recovery of BSE risk status for a country or zone should comply with the provisions of Article 11.4.2. and Article 11.4.3. or Article 11.4.4. of the Terrestrial Code and provide detailed information as specified in this questionnaire.

nb: first adopted in 2018.

2018 ©OIE - Terrestrial Animal Health Code

Contents | Index Chapter 1.7. Chapter 1.9.