Terrestrial Animal Health Code

Contents | Index Chapter 12.11. SECTION 13. Chapter 13.2.

Chapter 13.1.


Article 13.1.1.

General provisions

Standards for diagnostic tests and vaccines are described in the Terrestrial Manual.

Article 13.1.2.

Recommendations for the importation of domestic rabbits

Veterinary Authorities of importing countries should require the presentation of an international veterinary certificate attesting that the animals:

  1. showed no clinical sign of myxomatosis on the day of shipment;

  2. were kept since birth, or for the six months prior to shipment, in an establishment where no case of myxomatosis was officially reported during that period.

Article 13.1.3.

Recommendations for the importation of skins and fur of domestic and wild rabbits

Veterinary Authorities of importing countries should require the presentation of an international veterinary certificate attesting that the skins and fur were treated (dried and tanned) to ensure the destruction of the myxomatosis virus.

nb: first adopted in 1968.

2018 ©OIE - Terrestrial Animal Health Code

Contents | Index Chapter 12.11. Chapter 13.2.