Terrestrial Animal Health Code |
Animal health measures applicable before and at departure
Animals for breeding, rearing or slaughter
Countries should only authorise the exportation from their territory of animals for breeding or rearing or animals for slaughter which are correctly identified and which meet the requirements of the importing country.
Biological tests and/or vaccinations required by the importing country should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations in the Terrestrial Code and Terrestrial Manual, as well as disinfection and disinfestation procedures.
Observation of the animals before leaving the country may be carried out either in the establishment where they were reared, or in a quarantine station. The animals should be transported to the place of shipment in specially constructed vehicles, previously cleansed and, if required, disinfected. This must be done without delay and without the animals coming into contact with other susceptible animals, unless these animals have animal health guarantees similar to those of the transported animals. An international veterinary certificate should attest that the animals have been found to be clinically healthy and of the health status agreed by the importing country and exporting country.
The transportation of the animals for breeding or rearing or animals for slaughter from the establishment of origin to the point of departure from the exporting country should be carried out in conformity with the conditions agreed between the importing country and exporting country.
Semen, oocytes, embryos and hatching eggs
Countries should only undertake the export from its territory of:
oocytes and embryos,
from artificial insemination centres, collection centres or farms which meet the requirements of the importing country.
Countries exporting animals, semen, oocytes, embryos or hatching eggs should inform the country of destination and where necessary the transit countries if, after exportation, a listed disease occurs within the incubation period of that particular disease, in the establishment of origin, or in an animal which was in an establishment or in a market, at the same time as the exported animals.
Before the departure of animals, semen, oocytes, embryos, hatching eggs and brood-combs of bees, an Official Veterinarian should, within the 24 hours prior to shipment, provide an international veterinary certificate conforming with the models approved by the OIE as shown in Chapters 5.10. to 5.13. and worded in the languages agreed upon between the exporting country and the importing country, and, where necessary, with the transit countries.
Live animals
Before the departure of an animal or a consignment of animals on an international journey, the Veterinary Authority of the port, airport or district in which the border post is situated may, if it is considered necessary, carry out a clinical examination of the animal or consignment. The time and place of the examination should be arranged taking into account customs and other formalities and in such a way as not to impede or delay departure.
The Veterinary Authority referred to in point 1) above should take necessary measures to:
prevent the shipment of animals affected or suspected of being affected with any listed disease or with any other infectious disease as agreed by the importing country and the exporting country;
avoid entry into the vehicle of possible vectors or causal agents of infection.
Products of animal origin
Countries should only authorise the export from their territory of meat and products of animal origin intended for human consumption, which are fit for human consumption. They must be accompanied by an international veterinary certificate conforming with the models approved by the OIE. These must be worded in the languages agreed upon between the exporting country and the importing country, and, where necessary, with the transit countries.
Products of animal origin intended for use in animal feeding, or for pharmaceutical or surgical or agricultural or industrial use, should be accompanied by an international veterinary certificate conforming with the models approved by the OIE.
nb: first adopted in 1968; most recent update adopted in 2014.
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