Quarterly Situation Report on Aquatic Animal Health – 2nd quarter 2023: molluscs
Aquatic animal health and welfare are of great importance to the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), particularly in the context of our Aquatic Animal Health Strategy launched in May 2021. Therefore, WOAH publishes regularly an aquatic animal health situation report highlighting information on 1) disease events reported by countries and territories through the World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS) and 2) antimicrobial agents intended for use in aquatic animals reported by countries and territories through the Global database for ANImal antiMicrobial USE
This report is intended to be used as scientific communication material published on our website. It is produced quarterly, and each edition covers one of the four species categories of aquatic animals within the scope of WOAH’s work: amphibians, crustaceans, fish and molluscs. This report provides information on WOAH-listed diseases of molluscs as well as data on antimicrobial use.