Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance using the One Health approach

WOAH recommends the following policy-based solutions to strengthen the One Health approach and tackle AMR within the animal health sector and beyond, based on the global Quadripartite call to action.
At policy and institutional level:
• Adopt the One Health multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach to address AMR as it impacts domestic animals, wildlife, humans and plants alike.
• Allocate sufficient resources to support AMR data collection at national and farm levels to improve the quality of reported data and promote reporting of antimicrobial use and animal health data to ANIMUSE and WAHIS.
• Provide financial and technical assistance to Veterinary Services in low- and middle-income countries in relation to AMR.
• By 2030, as outlined in the Muscat Manifesto, reduce overall use of antimicrobials in
agriculture and livestock by at least 30%, including through employing antimicrobial
susceptibility testing methods that are in accordance with international standards.
• Support the function of and participation in the AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform to catalyse a global movement for action against AMR by fostering cooperation among a diverse range of stakeholders at all levels across the One Health spectrum.